A Different Kind of Smart

A Different Kind of Smart

There are different kinds of smart. Especially when faced with a critical and timely decision. One kind of smart would gather the immediately available data and make a decision within hours (possibly even minutes) and swiftly take the appropriate action. This solution...
Be Unprecedented

Be Unprecedented

Kenesaw Mountain Landis is dead. Happy Chandler is dead. Bart Giamatti is dead. Along with having already taken their final leisurely stroll across the green fields of earth and into the unknown, these three men have a few other things in common. All were...
Comfort Zones

Comfort Zones

Some good friends of mine recently contracted a case of puppy fever. For which, apparently, there is only one cure. They sent my wife and I this video a couple of days ago. It reminded me of a basic instinct we all share – human and puppy alike. We all feel a little...
How to Write Anything

How to Write Anything

Frequently, I’m asked to write various things: articles, press releases, blurbs, descriptive paragraphs, quotes, and other random items of differing lengths. Occasionally, the person who requested the work is delighted by my efforts and sometimes I’m asked if I have a...