Even A Small Problem Is A Crisis

Even A Small Problem Is A Crisis

In order to address a crisis, you need to define what a crisis is for you.  It can mean different things to different individuals and to different businesses as well. Similarly to how people on the other side of the world (and sometimes even the other side of the...

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No Solution? Don’t Believe It.

No Solution? Don’t Believe It.

You’re in the middle of a crisis you weren’t anticipating. The first solution you tried didn’t work. The next step isn’t obvious. What do you do? You keep trying until you find a solution that works. My wife and I were invited to a huge music festival in Colorado...

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Five Minutes Can Change the World

Five Minutes Can Change the World

People around the world are leaving their homes again, going back to work, and slowly transitioning to seeing human faces beyond the handful they’ve been staring at for the past few months. The optimist in me hopes the extended stay in isolation most have endured has...

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Beyond the Scoreboard

Beyond the Scoreboard

“Even when you have an organization brimming with talent, victory is not always under your control. There is no guarantee, no ultimate formula for success. It all comes down to intelligently and relentlessly seeking solutions that will increase your chance of...

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3 Rules to Remember for Better Communication

3 Rules to Remember for Better Communication

"The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place." ~ George Bernard Shaw Earlier this year before the world pressed pause, I took advantage of an opportunity to visit the Field Museum in Chicago with my family. As we walked...

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Go Have A Look Revisited

Go Have A Look Revisited

A year ago, I wrote a short post titled, “Go Have a Look.” In light of all that has taken place over the last 30 days, it seems to carry a different relevance now and I wanted to share it with you again: When you come in out of the rain, you don’t stay inside forever....

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Normal, Disrupted

Normal, Disrupted

“Every negative situation contains the possibility for something positive, an opportunity. It is how you look at it that matters. Your lack of resources can be an advantage, forcing you to be more inventive with the little that you have. Losing a battle can allow you...

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A Different Kind of Smart

A Different Kind of Smart

There are different kinds of smart. Especially when faced with a critical and timely decision. One kind of smart would gather the immediately available data and make a decision within hours (possibly even minutes) and swiftly take the appropriate action. This solution...

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Be Unprecedented

Be Unprecedented

Kenesaw Mountain Landis is dead. Happy Chandler is dead. Bart Giamatti is dead. Along with having already taken their final leisurely stroll across the green fields of earth and into the unknown, these three men have a few other things in common. All were...

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