by Michael Devers | May 11, 2020 | History, Lessons Learned
People around the world are leaving their homes again, going back to work, and slowly transitioning to seeing human faces beyond the handful they’ve been staring at for the past few months. The optimist in me hopes the extended stay in isolation most have endured has...
by Michael Devers | Mar 9, 2020 | Crisis Prevention, History
There are different kinds of smart. Especially when faced with a critical and timely decision. One kind of smart would gather the immediately available data and make a decision within hours (possibly even minutes) and swiftly take the appropriate action. This solution...
by Michael Devers | Mar 2, 2020 | Crisis Prevention, History
Kenesaw Mountain Landis is dead. Happy Chandler is dead. Bart Giamatti is dead. Along with having already taken their final leisurely stroll across the green fields of earth and into the unknown, these three men have a few other things in common. All were...
by Michael Devers | Jan 14, 2020 | Crisis Prevention, History
Something didn’t smell right. It was 5:45am and a British Petroleum (BP) employee was driving to work along the North Slope of Alaska near the oilfield town of Prudhoe Bay when he noticed an odd odor overpowering the smell of his heater and his truck. He pulled over...
by Michael Devers | Jan 7, 2020 | Crisis Prevention, History
The tension in Tehran was palpable. It could be felt throughout every sector of the city – from the increased security at the airport all the way down to street vendors selling their wares from push carts. Just hours earlier, a number of would-be assassins had been...
by Michael Devers | Apr 23, 2019 | History
One hundred and nine years ago today, barely one year removed from his second term as President of the United States and less than a decade before his untimely death from a blood clot at age 60, Theodore Roosevelt delivered a speech to a crowd of thousands at the...