Comfort Zones

Comfort Zones

Some good friends of mine recently contracted a case of puppy fever. For which, apparently, there is only one cure. They sent my wife and I this video a couple of days ago. It reminded me of a basic instinct we all share – human and puppy alike. We all feel a little...
Celebrate Milestones: One Month

Celebrate Milestones: One Month

Wednesday marked a milestone for me and my writing on this blog. It’s been one month since I started again, and with this post I have now published something every day for 33 days in a row. Naturally, I made merry. It’s important to celebrate milestones meaningful to...
Be Happy First

Be Happy First

While searching for an image for a quarterly power point presentation at work, I stumbled across the picture you see below: “1. Move to the Beach 2. Don’t worry, be Happy.” Even though it wasn’t what I needed for the presentation, I saved the image because it struck...