What I Must Do

by | Oct 1, 2018 | Right Thought | 0 comments

The field is level, the professional understands, only in heaven.
~ Steven Pressfield, the War of Art

Because I recognize the truth in this, I know what I must do. I must work 2x, 3x, 10x as hard as I have before. To stack the deck in my favor. To overcome the odds. To make sure that if I face 20 objectives, I have at least 21 answers.

Others may waste their time railing about the fact that the field is not level, spending their energy toiling on the field, in order to make it more level. You and I will deploy our energy working on ourselves, in order to make the field irrelevant.

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This week I launched an Instagram account in order to share some of my book notes (some books have too many notes and exceed Instagram’s character limit). Please drop by a check it out if you have a minute. I wrote about my process (and the bribing of my children) recently, if you’re curious about the story behind the notes.


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