Little things

by | Apr 18, 2019 | Right Action | 0 comments

Sometimes when companies consider ways to reward their employees, they get paralyzed by indecision as a result of choosing between multiple grand gestures and, sadly, wind up doing nothing.

Better to do something small than nothing at all. And much better do something small consistently than one grand gesture that is never repeated.

I always made sure I had an assortment of gift cards in my desk drawer – anywhere from $10 – $25 in value. Whenever I saw first-hand or received a report of an employee demonstrating a core value or giving extra effort to help a customer or fellow employee, I’d hand deliver the gift card along with a sincere thank you. I’d recount what they had done and why it was appreciated. I always got the impression that the recognition was more valued than the face value of the gift card.

Little things aren’t always little. They accumulate over time and produce big results.


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