Best Time to Be Alive

by | Sep 13, 2018 | Action | 0 comments

Gary Vaynerchuk’s new book, Crushing It!, came out at the beginning of 2018. It’s a follow-up to his wildly successful 2009 book, Crush It!. Both titles feature high-level advice for effective social media use along with tons of other strategies on what it takes to build a personal brand online.

During my first day of reading Crushing It!, I made note of this passage from Vaynerchuk on page 9:

“When it comes to professional opportunities, this is the best time to be alive in the history of humankind. I don’t want anyone to waste it.”

It stuck with me because it’s not the first time I’ve read or heard this same statement. The first time I can specifically remember is from Jim Rohn back in the 90’s. I’ve probably heard or read it each year since then, always from different people.

I believed it every single time.

The incredible opportunity in front of us this year will only be surpassed by the next. And the year after that. And then the year after THAT. I firmly believe that if I can make it alive to 2035, that year will be the greatest year to start something new that the world has ever known.

Isn’t that the point?

Each and every year should be better than the last. Healthcare, technology, communication, education, and more all improve with each year. Don’t get me wrong, how we as humans choose to use these improvements isn’t always wise, but the improvements are real.

While each and every passing year delivers increasing opportunity, there is a catch. Next year isn’t promised to you. Frankly, not even tomorrow is.

Today really is the best time to be alive in the history of humankind. Don’t waste it. Use it. Start today. Start right now. There are countless individuals out there who are experts at coming up with the one thousand reasons why you shouldn’t start. Don’t be one of them. Be an expert in taking action.

Today is the best day.


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